Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ms. Arty Pants Creation Station

I have been hearing about this painting place, which is located a couple towns over, Ms. Arty Pants Creation Station.  I saw an advertisement that they were hosting a Teacher Night!
I reserved 5 spots for myself, one of my teaching partners, and two teachers that are new to our school this year - what better way to get to know each other a little better, huh?

Though I would love to take credit of being one awesome artists, I'm not.  We submitted our pictures to Ms. Arty Pants herself, and she sketched the pictures.  We painted within the lines.  : )

We are soooo going back sometime soon!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Currently in August

I am lovin' these summer nights.  Lately, our evenings have been pretty quiet.  My husband has recently started his Masters Degree.  When he is doing his homework, I try to limit distractions.  I forget how loud those crickets are, when we actually turn off all other noise to hear them. 

My nail polish is super fun.  Four nails are a fun turquoise color, while the other is painted in silver glitter.  F*U*N.

I am wanting next Friday to get here because this girl and her man are going on vacation! I can.not.wait.  We are in so much need of R&R and I can think of no better place to receive this than in Destin, Florida.  EEEkkkk!

Though I am uber stoked about the beach, I am also beginning to feel a little anxious.  My classroom has been occupied with Summer Edventure Camp.  They do not move out of the rooms, until Aug. 9th, then the floors have to be stripped and waxed before I can get into it.  Because we will be on vacation, I will not be able to get into my room until August 19th, which is the day of our first workday!  & it isn't really a workday, I mean... a day to work in my classroom... it's a day of training.
Oh boy.  I'm hoping the sand and waves are a solution to my anxiety.

I know it sounds lame, but my block operates on clipboards.  A list of the students go on a clipboard with the group as they rotate classrooms.  That way, the teacher can always make any necessary notes.  Therefore, it is important to have a sturdy clipboard, those things go through the ringer by the end of the year... I found some super cute ones at TJ Maxx and for CHEAP... $5

The next thing I use each year is my Common Core Galore Checklist, by Natalie Kay.  I love this thing.  It helps me document what I am teaching and when.  It allows me to keep up with what I am teaching and what standards are left for me to cover.  Take a look!  She provides checklists for a variety of grades and content!!!

Last, but not least, my 3rd Back-2-School Must have is a pedicure. Can I get a witness?!?!