Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Welcome to Love & Laughter

Let's face it, friends, those of us that find ourselves in a classroom of children day in and day out, doing our best to keep up with the paperwork, state mandates, lesson plans, conferences, and PLCs, while teaching a class of 30+ students, can only do this job for two reasons: for love and laughs.
Hence, the blog title.

I teach, because I love to teach. I'm confident that the same is true for you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be at home reading teaching blogs :). Yes, the hours are longer than most realize and there may be times when I feel as though I have to defend the decisions I make, but I get see something happen inside of a classroom that few people get to watch take place. No, it isn't magic, it's learning. Teachers are a blessed group. Teaching may not reach the list of the top paying careers, but I am blessed. I watch minds transform and dreams come alive.

 As much love as I have for my job, I cannot ignore the fact that there are some days that I need a little more than love. :) I have spent the last year learning to laugh, mostly, at myself. However, I have also spent the last year learning something about students, that I didn't really know before: students are stinking funny. It's good to laugh together. It reminds all of us that we are a community; a family.

 I hope to use this blog to post classroom DIYs that may benefit other teachers in their classrooms. I enjoy teaching, creating, and writing and this blog is one way that I can blend the three.

This summer, I have been creating all kinds of fun stuff for my classroom. I will be posting these items soon.

Until then, here's to sweet summertime. Enjoy!


  1. Welcome to the blog world. I just started mine recently too. :)
    First Graders from Outer Space

  2. Welcome to blogging! I love what you said about being a family. I use Conscious Discipline in my classroom and it is all about building your School Family. I love it! If you want to read more about how amazing CD is then stop by my blog...and I hope you find some inspiration too. =)

    Be sure and add a followers button. You can go to design at the top of your blog and then layout. Choose add a gadget and the followers button should be the 9th choice. I'll stop back by so I can follow you. =)

    Heather's Heart

    1. I officially follow you now! I would love for you to follow me back the next time you come to visit. =)

      Heather's Heart


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