Sunday, March 2, 2014

Currently March

Can't believe March is already here!  So much is happening this month! 
Let's start this month off right with Farley's Currently.

My husband is working on a Master's Degree in leadership.  His classes are 6 weeks long, then he moves on to the next one.  He is currently in his 7th class.  All of the courses he has taken up to this point have been great; enjoyable, even.  This one, however, is not so enjoyable with crazy, ridiculous expectations for full time working students..... anyhow, I keep saying, "5 more weeks"... "4 more weeks"... I'm thankful that this is not a full semester course... what a nightmare that would be!

I just got back from Charleston, SC.  Six other teachers and I went to a Leader in Me Symposium.  It was AH-mazing!  Not kidding. It was incredibly inspiring and we have returned with our heads spinning from all that we took in.  I am stoked about implementing some of these things in my classroom.  Are any of you a Leader in Me School?  I'd love to hear from you!

The last couple weeks have been crazy.  In fact, I think we have only had 1 uninterrupted week of school since Christmas! Now that I'm back from our conference, I am looking forward to having a full week of solid instruction.  This week, my students will be researching someone they consider to be a Worthy Leader.  We are writing persuasive essays and entering them into a contest for our local Rotary Club.  I'm looking forward to where their leadership research leads.

So... in January.. January 20th to be exact, I was in the dental chair and the nurse asks me if I drive a dark SUV.  When I gave her a thumbs up, because the Dr's hands were in my mouth, she informed me that I needed to go outside, because it had been hit...... really?
So that was over a month ago and the insurance company is just now beginning to process the claim.  So I wait... and drive my injured car around..... I'm ready to get this thing back to normal.

I have a love-hate relationship with blogging.  I love, love, love to write. I hate that I do not make more of an effort to blog.  I may actually be surprised to see how many people read it, if I were to update on a regular basis.  This is something I really want to recommit to. 

So my answer is: Jesus, family, education... what is my question?  Comment if you have a guess.

Have a great week, Friends. 
Serve students well.