Wednesday, September 5, 2012

CuRrEnTlY... September

Favorite Things:
1) iPad - I feel like one of the smart kids.  :) My school has given me an iPad. I'm sure this piece of techno isn't anything new to any of you, but for me, my new toy  educational instrument is lots of fun. No really, I am thankful that my district has allowed me to have this tool. I have found it to be useful in several ways.
2) So hubs got me a guitar this time last year.  In January of this year, I began taking lessons.  Who cares that I can only play 3 songs... I'm loving it.
3) I've just been reminded of how great my friends really are.  I love the evening phone calls, the funny classroom stories they tell me, and all the other great convo we have. I'm just thankful for their encouragement.